“The UKIYO-E 2020 ─ Japan’s Three Great Ukiyo-e Collection”Until September 22, 2020, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

It is not exaggeration to say that the best three in the quality and quantity of the major ukiyo-e collections in Japan are the Ota Memorial Museum, the Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, and the Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation’s masterpieces. They gathered the masterpieces for the first time and exhibited about 450 selected ukiyo-e prints in “The UKIYO-E 2020 ─ Japan’s Three Great Ukiyo-e Collection”. We have developed original accessories for Katsushika Hokusai “Kanagawa Okinami Ura” and Katsushika Hokusai “Flowers and Birds Series”.

Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Ueno, Tokyo)
July 23, 2020 (Thursday / holiday) -September 22, 2020 (Tuesday / holiday)